
Thursday Evening, October 30, 1924

Right Living Is Stressed in Talk By Clarke Irvine

That more people are regarding good health as the first law of life was evidenced Wednesday night when over 50 gathered in the Chamber of Commerce to hear Clarke Irvine talk on “How to Live Right,” through eating properly. He recommended the uncooked diet, consisting mainly of fruits, nuts, and green-leaf vegetables, having thrived nearly a year on such a menu himself.

The lecture lasted an hour, and the speaker spent another hour in answering questions and in listening to testimonies of cures through this “nature method.”

One man told how he had been cured of cancer and brought back to perfect health on fruits alone. Several fruitarians told of how they had recovered from stomach and bowel troubles and are now existing on this diet exclusively. One young woman increased her weight from 80 pounds in sickness, to 135, and she is in the pink of condition today.

“We can extend life from 10 to 15 years through right living and diet,” said Irvine, “who wants to live to be a hundred, and it is all a matter of mind; change your mind and then you can change your diet to include figs, apples, prunes, raisins and all fresh fruits at economical staple articles of food instead of luxuries. There’s more nourishment in a nickel’s worth of nuts than in a dollar’s worth of doughnuts.”

He concluded the talk with a resume of his outdoor trip north from the Mexican border, stopping enroute to scale Mt. Hamilton and Mt. Shasta, with a side trip to Lake Tahoe and other resorts. He strongly advocated long walks and eating “safely in the great outdoors, with lots of foot-work which makes your stomach work better,” he said.

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