
⦁ The Principle of Activity and Repose: Acknowledging the essential balance between action and rest, emphasizing the need for both activity and adequate sleep.

⦁ The Law of Energy Management: Derived from observing how the body efficiently handles its vital energies, emphasizing the importance of conserving and wisely utilizing one’s energy.

⦁ The Law of Systemic Supply: Describing the body’s ability to distribute resources, ensuring all its parts and faculties are adequately supplied for optimal functioning.

⦁ The Principle of Physiological Acceleration: Exploring how the body intensifies its activities when exposed to toxic substances, highlighting the frenzied response to maintain equilibrium.

⦁ The Law of Adaptation: Detailing the body’s ability to adjust to poisons by reducing resistance and effectively isolating harmful influences, akin to the gradual fortification of defenses in response to increasing threats.

⦁ The Principle of Vital Energy Preservation: Emphasizing the conservation of vital energies, recognizing the importance of preserving one’s energy for sustained well-being.

⦁ The Law of Equilibrium Restoration: Focusing on the revitalization of weakened parts and faculties when normalcy is restored to ailing organisms, highlighting the body’s innate ability to restore balance.

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