The human body is an intricate biological machine that has been tailored and refined over millions of years way back to the time when cells first started working in unison. Within our bodies we have millions of bacteria that are allowed to exist and that we call on when needed. We also have bacteria within the our cells. Mitochondria are believed to be the first bacteria that entered our cells to form a symbiotic relationship.

Mitochondria receive glucose through the cell wall and convert this in to Adenosine Triphosphate, ATP for short. ATP is what our body calls upon when it needs energy. We need it to power our muscles, brains, organs, detox processes, and digestion.
We detox the most during the hours of 3am and 11am. We need plenty of ATP for this process. The detox process moves toxins out of the cells and tissue in to the lymph for transportation to one of the many exit points.
The western diet takes a massive amount of energy to digest. We are eating lots of products that we can barely call food. The levels of nutrition on most processed food are so low that we are often in deficit when weighed against the amount of energy it takes to digest these foods.
We do no have the enzyme to digest gluten. Our stomach needs hydrochloric acid to break down gluten and then the enzyme protease, but it does not breakdown fully.
We do not have the enzyme to break down lactose. We stop producing lactase when we stop drinking our mothers milk. Lactose is in cheese, milk and added to lots of processed foods.
Our bodies also struggle to break down beans and pulses. The energy it takes to break this down almost negate the energy they provide.
Meat is very hard to break down. We have to deconstruct the protein using the enzymes proteases after the hydrochloric acid process. We then have to reconstruct the amino acids back in to protein. Plant contain these amino acids in their raw state and do not need to be broken down.
The oils throughout all the different thing we consume have to be removed from the body. If they are not removed then they are stored. The only upside to this is that fat cells are used to store the excess toxins within the body.
On top of this the western diet is highly acidic and causes inflammation in the body. Inflammation causes cell death which means more toxins. Our bodies send in bacteria to help break down the dead cells. The bacteria excrete toxic as part of their digestive process , adding to the already toxic burden.
Most people start poisoning themselves before 9am with a toxic breakfast, then there’s an 11am snack, various beverages followed by a toxic lunch, before making their way home to wolf down a large toxic meal. By the time 3am comes around and the body is ready to detox it struggles as the ATP is low. Add to this the stressful lifestyles, bad sleeping habits and various stimulants that people take and we have the perfect conditions for disease.
The following day we repeat the process with the body already full of toxins. Eventually the body will have store the toxins around the body in its cells and in cysts and tumours. This is the body’s natural defence mechanism and is reversible.
This is a list of some of the many acidic things that some people put in to their bodies every day:
Salt, Pepper, Vinegar, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Pickled Produce, Fermented Produce, Milk, Eggs, Meat, Gluten, refined oil, shell fish, fish, refined carbohydrates.
So what can we do to combat this downward path to disease. We must take control of our health and employ healthy practices that still allow us to enjoy life but keep us safe from disease. We must eat more of the foods that are appropriate to us as humans. We are not carnivores as much as we are not herbivores. By scientific classification we are actually more aligned to be frugivores. We digest fruit and vegetable with relative ease. They contain all the essential nutrients, vitamins, proteins, minerals in a form that we can easily assimilate. Just incorporating one fruit meal in to your diet is known to increase life expectancy by 5 years. Imagine what you could do if you really took charge of your health.